The Blog

Truth in Parenting

Tearing your hair out over lack of sleep, daycare decisions, homework enforcement, or what to do with the toddler tantrum? Want to feel better about your own tantrum as you try and manage it all? Read my Truth in Parenting blog for evidence-based reassurance (The Art and Science of . . . ), my own True Mom Confessions, and get a sneak peek of what my book offers with Autonomy-Supportive Parenting Diaries. Not sure where to start? Try here.

What Is Autonomy-Supportive Parenting and Why Should You Care?

In regular person language, “supporting autonomy” means raising our children to understand their authentic selves, including developing self-respect, self-worth, behaving by values, the ability to self-govern, and feeling a sense of volition, or control over choices and actions. The goal is to parent without oppressing our child’s authentic sense of self. Sounds good, right? But how does it work?

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